Buy a Drum
“Djembe” comes from the Bambara saying 'Anke Dje anke Be’ literally translated: ‘we gather together to drum for peace’
After thorough research of the market and many years of playing djembes and other hand drums, Drumananda recommends Wula djembes for the highest quality at the best price. Drumananda works with Wula Drum out of New York City to provide a local showroom; the only place in the region where you can see Wula Drums. You can make an appointment to come test and choose your djembe from a variety of models and prices. Sometimes it is difficult to order an instrument online. Particularly with drums, each have their own unique voice and fitting the drum for your hands and body is helpful to do in person. Being able to test your drum before you buy it, is a good investment.
The History of the Djembe
Where and How to Purchase a Djembe
I rent djembes for my classes and events so you can try them out, but if you decide you want to purchase one, I have you covered! If you live out of the area, you are welcome to my showroom anytime, just give a holler. I sell Wula Drums in South Bend, Indiana. I have a wide variety and price ranges to pick from. I also sell Dun uns.
Wula Drums:
Professional Sound Quality
Socially Responsible
"Wula drums are the epitome of the real deal!"
--product testing, Drum Magazine
The African djembe drum was first fashioned in the old Malian empire of West Africa In the thirteenth century. Women in the villages created the rhythms as they pounded mortar and pestle, singing and clapping to help them work. The men of the sacred Numu caste of blacksmiths crafted the djembe to resemble this grain grinding bowl and began to incorporate the women’s songs on their drums. This drum built the foundation of community, ritual celebrations and life passages and served as a healing, moral and spiritual guide for the fabric of the village. Today, this drum has beat out a global cry for unification and is being played all over the world to bring people together for peace and reconcilation.

No matter how much skill you develop, if you do not have a good drum, you cannot get the optimal melodic quality the djembe can produce. Many area purveyors of djembes carry "tourista" or lower grade drums at high prices. Many are carved with machines and routers and come from places like Indonesia.
Africa is the birthplace of the djembe and the holder and keeper of this ancient musical tradition. Wula drums begin in Guinea, West Africa. Each are one of a kind hand-carved from trees that are native to the Guinean forests. All Wula Drums are made skillfully by hand from a single piece of wood, using the highest quality materials and craftsmanship of our special team in Guinea, West Africa. These forests have some of the densest and most melodic sounding woods in the world. (Wula is Susu for "deep in the forest".) Each drum goes through 25+ stages of production. It takes years of experience for djembe
and dun un artisans to develop this expertise and creating these drums is considered a sacred art form. Carving expertise is the primary determinate for getting the optimal and complex sounds of the djembe.
So when shopping for your drum, you can be assured that the quality of Wula Drums are the absolute best. Wula Drums are played by professionals and world renowned percussionists like Phil Collins and in such places as the Broadway stage for productions of
"The Lion King".
Wula is a socially responsible company, caring about sustainability and socio-economic development in Africa. Wula commits to practicing good forest stewardship and works with local forest guardians to prevent overharvesting with minimal environmental impact and has bought land to begin a reforestation program. Wula commits to higher wages for its workers when the artistry of African drum labor has historically been devalued and underpaid. Wula is simply the best djembe for the beginner to professional musician.
Watch a Wula drum being made in Guinea, West Africa: